Welcome to the website of South Lawson Park Bushcare Group. For information about the group, please go to https://southlawsonpark.bushcarebluemountains.org.au/about/
The May work session was conducted in ecological restoration areas #2 and #4. Extensive planting of Leptospermum spp. was conducted in #4. Privet regrowth was tackled, revealing Tree ferns, and Callicoma serratifolia previously planted. This area will require constant maintenance for several years.
Planting of Leptospermum spp. and Hakea salicifolia was conducted in #2. The grove of H. salicifolia in this area is making great progress. All plants local provenance, of course.
With Gahnia spp. and coir logs on order, further swamp stabilisation work will be conducted in #2.
Water quality in tributary of Lawson Creek was excellent: oxygen, phosphates, turbidity, chemical balance and freshness.
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