For information about South Lawson Park Bushcare Group, please see the About page on this website.
In December, a large group of enthusiastic bushcarers worked on the Lawson Parklands site, in warm weather. African lovegrass, Fleabane, Coreopsis and Juncus microcephalus were targeted. Certainly, the Fleabane is a lot better controlled than it was one year ago.
Cordyline is an emerging Blue Mountains environmental weed. This plant was growing in healthy bushland near the Parklands site; there were numerous seedlings.
Natural regeneration of eucalypt forest species is continuing on the Parklands site, but the relatively dry weather of the last six months may have set this process back a little.
Lawson Creek water quality was very good: turbidity, oxygen levels, phosphates, nitrates, freshness and chemical balance.
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