March 2023

March was a busy month!

On March 08/03/23 we enjoyed a visit from Belle Butler and Hamish Dunlop, Blue Mountains Planetary Health Initiative, Katoomba, BMCC. They had heard of our holistic ecological restoration, bushcare and streamwatch approach to the restoration of the upper catchment of Lawson Creek, and were keen to come along and conduct some interviews, take some film footage and get an idea of the project. Outcomes will include visual and written media, so we look forward to seeing the finished products.

Belle and Hamish Blue Mountains Planetary Health Initiative March 2023 Photo: P Ardill
Belle and Hamish Blue Mountains Planetary Health Initiative Lawson Creek March 2023 Photo: P Ardill

On March 15/03/23 Bushcare Group members joined BMCC natural area manager and Bushcare officers for a tour of the recently completed South Lawson Parklands project (Stage One). Bushcare Group engagement with the parklands, particularly the riparian buffer zone, was discussed.

BMCC natural area manager, Bushcare officers and Bushcare Group members inspect Lawson Parklands, riparian buffer zone, Lawson Creek eroded area  March 18 2023 Photo: H Coltman
BMCC natural area manager, Bushcare officers and Bushcare Group members inspect Lawson Parklands, riparian buffer zone and Lawson Creek eroded area March 18 2023 Photo: H Coltman

At the regular Sunday session Bushcare Group members enjoyed a session of information exchange and interviews with Belle Butler, Blue Mountains Planetary Health Initiative. Motivation, achievements, climate change, work techniques, community engagement, frustrations and satisfactions were on the agenda!

Bushcare Group meeting with Blue Mountains Planetary Health Initiaitve March 2023 Photo: P Ardill
Bushcare Group meeting with Blue Mountains Planetary Health Initiaitve March 2023 Photo: P Ardill

Work continued in ecological restoration area #2 (swamp/wetland) and area #4. In particular, 8 x Hakea salicifolia and Leptospermum polygalifolium were planted along a Lawson creek tributary (area #4).

Streamwatch Convenor reports that water quality was most satisfactory: oxygen levels; phosphorous; chemical balance; freshness of water; turbidity.