A warm sunny Sunday saw the bushcare group working in sections #2 and #4 of the ecological restoration site, upper Lawson Creek catchment.
In section #2, the swamp /wetland, the seed of weed Juncus microcephalus was removed. The juncus does stabilise the sands of the wetland, removing the threat of a major sedimentation event in Lawson Creek. The juncus will be removed in stages, throughout the coming winter.
Planting of 6 x Hakea salicifolia along a stream tributary was undertaken. This staged program of riparian planting will eventually result in replacement of dense, light blocking Privet infestations with more appropriate indigenous vegetation that will provide filtered light for other vegetation such as ferns, keep water temperatures reasonable and stabilise stream banks.
Very large Privet (#4) along a stream tributary was chiselled and treated with herbicide, as preparation for future planting. Ginger Lily was removed from section #4, as well as Privet seedlings.